Child Development Associate (CDA) Training Online
The Child Development Associates (CDA) Program prepares students for work in the early childhood care and education field. Participants must be working with young children regularly either in a paid or volunteer position to fulfill their coursework requirements. Complete the 120 hours of early childhood education training, covering the growth and development of children birth to 8 years of age. The online version is designed to be completed in 12 weeks. The material is available 24/7 and the course is self-paced. You may begin the class immediately and have up to one year to complete the class. The non-refundable registration fee is $199.00/person. [Promotional rate-For a limited time.] The textbook list ($85), supply list for the teaching portfolio ($35), and directions (login information) for access to the online course are issued within 24 hours.
40-Hour Director's Training Online
The Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning: Bright from the Start approved 40-Hour Director's Training Course covers all early childhood education program administrative competencies. Enrollment in the online version is on a rolling basis and the course is self-paced (you work whenever your schedule permits you to). You may begin the online class once your payment is processed and login information is emailed to you. Some students take a few days to complete the online class, while others take a few weeks. Access to the class is available 24/7. The online course must be completed within six weeks. The online student reviews the manual and PowerPoint presentations, completes online assignments, and receives feedback Monday – Friday and often on weekends. Once you have registered you receive a receipt immediately. Course materials (manual and PowerPoint presentations) are downloaded in the Edmodo online platform. The promotional rate for the online version is $199/person ($300 savings off the regular price).
Grant Writing Course Online
Assess your program’s grant readiness and find funding to enhance the quality of the services you provide! You will learn five simple steps to writing a winning proposal and have your draft reviewed. Participants also earn 8 hours of Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning: Bright from the Start approved training! Billions in grant funding to support efforts that improve access to high quality early childhood education are available. Register now to find out about the myriad of funding sources! This workshop will help you gain the skills you need to secure, sustain, and leverage grant dollars. In this unique hands-on program, you will learn:
What funders expect you to have in place before you apply
How to conduct a search and identify the right grants
How to make a compelling case for your organization’s work
How to write a compelling grant proposal
The assignments must be completed within 30 days in order to receive a certificate of completion.
Health and Safety Training & Orientation Online
This workshop provides recommended health and safety research based training for educators serving children birth through age 12 years. Participants will gain a broad overview of the National Health and Safety Standards which promote the well being of children in educational environments; injury prevention, exclusion guidelines for common childhood illnesses (i.e. asthma and allergies) and infectious diseases including MRSA and the H1N1 virus (swine flu), and guidelines for identifying risk factors and clues which indicate child maltreatment, prevention strategies and reporting procedures. (6 hours of continuing education credit) Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning: Bright from the Start approved.
Online Refund Policy
Workshops are approved for early childhood educators and program administrators pursuant to the University of Georgia’s contract and Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning and Georgia Department of Education’s Office of Professional Learning. Courses contain proprietary information and fulfill annual training requirements for Early Childhood in Early Care and Education and School-Age Care Programs. They also meet the Competency Goals and Indicators set forth in Rules and Regulations for Day Care Centers 290-2-2-09. Penn Consulting will refund 100% of an online student’s registration fee provided the online course has never been accessed and the course access period has not expired. If the course has been accessed or the course access period has expired, no refund is available. Based upon the original enrollment date, we will reactivate or extend a student’s access to the course for a $100 administrative fee. Students will be granted a 90-day CDA training extension or 45-day Director's training extension from the date of the reactivation request. If a training enrollee requires a second reactivation or extension, it will be granted under the same terms—a $100 administrative fee and 90-days (or 45-days) additional access. If the reactivation request is made more than one year beyond the original enrollment date, the student may re-enroll in the course at 50% of the regular tuition rate.